50 plus training

A black and gold logo for 5 0 plus training.

Combatting Back, Hip, and Posture Woes A Guide for 50+ Adults

Combatting Back, Hip, and Posture Woes A Guide for 50+ Adults

“Combatting Back, Hip, and Posture Woes A Guide for 50+ Adults” May 13, 2024 In today’s digital age, it’s not uncommon for adults aged 50 and older to spend significant amounts of time seated in front of a computer or hunched over their mobile phones. While technology has undoubtedly made our lives more convenient, it […]

Shoulder Health
and Role of hanging

“ Shoulder Health and Role Of hanging” May 03, 2024 Shoulder Health and the Role of Hanging: Insights from John M. Kirsch, MD In his enlightening book, “Shoulder Pain? The Solution and Prevention,” Dr. John M. Kirsch delves into the intricate relationship between the rotator cuff tendon, shoulder impingement pain, and the therapeutic benefits of […]

Mobilize to Alleviate: The Power of Movement for Pain Relief

Mobilize to Alleviate: The Power of Movement for Pain Relief

“Mobilize to Alleviate: The Power of Movement for Pain Relief “ May 03, 2024 Introduction: In our modern world, where sedentary lifestyles and desk-bound jobs are the norm, many of us find ourselves grappling with various forms of pain – be it backaches, stiff joints, or muscular tension. While pain relief often conjures images of […]